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For Christmas this year, I gift you Infinite Possibilities <3

My Dear Beloveds,

Happy Holidays! It is with great hope that you are all spending your time with loved ones or with your beloved self. I am actually spending this Christmas Eve night alone. Practicing Self-Love by resting and taking time out of my travels to go inward and create space and time for inner and spiritual guidance and inspiration to come through.

Currently, I am in San Marcos Lake Atitlan in Guatemala, the motherland of Cacao! There are parties and fireworks all around, but after a busy week of flight delays, jet lag, dining, touring, traveling, and dancing, I realized that all I wanted for Christmas was a little me time. A little time to do my self-care practice, of yoga, tarot, candles, and essential oils. For me, this is the most nourishing gift I can receive right now.

The holiday season can bring a lot of joy, but for some, it can also bring up a lot of past pain or trauma. I am one of those people, but now I choose to rewrite my holiday story by honoring and celebrating the return of the Light (Post-Solstice), Christ, Krishna, in a way that best feels good to me.

Tomorrow, I am attending a Hare Krishnamas Celebration with the Mahadeva Ashram here in town. I had the pleasure of enjoying Christmas in this manner last year, and since have known, that I would be returning celebrate Christmas, in the same way, this year.

Drinking cacao, and melting into the vibration of pure unconditional and devotion love for Krishna, my self, and the divine is what liberates me and drops me into a state of bliss, Nirvana, Samadhi.

Opening and expressing my heart-song through singing and dance is not only what is most healing for me, but is also what is most nourishing for my soul. And the amazing part is, is that we can easily choose to access these memories and drop into the feelings that these moments provoke, whenever we want. Reclaiming the same bliss and joy that was experienced, even long after the moment pasts.

So thank you for listening, and for being you. Thank you for showing up for yourself and for being a gift to the world. I wish you all a Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukah, Holiday Season, and New Year.

If you need someone to talk to, I am here for you as well. Feel free to send me a message and I would gladly connect this holiday season with all of you Cacao lovers.

With Love,


Ps. I am offering a month-long course, Infinite Possibilities - Sacred Energy School, this February. If you are interested in going deeper into Healing your Chakras, Finding your True self, and Transforming your Life and/ or would like to experience more Sacred Ceremony, Ritual, and Healing in your life, then please follow the link because this course is definitely for you. Infinite Possibilities

Make sure to follow me on Facebook for upcoming events, adventures and general inspiration. Heart Yoga & Reiki


* At the word medicine is used to describe the concept that everything and everyone has the potential to serve as a medicine, * teaching, lesson, or healing remedy, it in no way is this word referring to any FDA approved medications, or pharmaceuticals. At, we do not give medical advice and do not replace the need of a licensed physician or therapist. Please make sure to read and agree to our terms and conditions.


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