My Dearest Beloveds, Happy Full Moon! This full moon falls in the sign of Taurus on October 24th, at 9:45am PST. Today, we enter Scorpio season as well... all while traversing the underworld with Venus in Retrograde ( Transit lasting from Oct 5th to Nov 16th). What does this all mean? Well lots of things, but the overarching theme this month into next is re-evaluation, re-lease, re-volution and re-birth. Up until today we have been in the sign of Libra, which has us observing and reflecting on our relationships. Relationships not only with loved ones, i.e. our partners, lovers, family, and friends, but also our relationship with our self, our bodies, our energy, our diet, health, money, habits, ideas, social norms, and anything really that we give our time, attention, and awareness to in our lives. Venus and Libra want us to experience balance, beauty, and harmony in our lives, so if there is anything out of alignment with these needs, if there are any relationships with people, ideas, habits, or circumstances in your life that make you feel anything less than nourished, balanced, beautiful, and harmonious, it’s quite likely that you are being made aware of this through bodily discomfort and or tension in your day to day routine. Our emotions serve as tools for higher awareness, so feeling discomfort, frustration, rage, grief, and unhappiness, is your inner self’s and intuitive higher self’s way of showing you that something in your life needs to change. Libra wants to us measure what is worth keeping in our life, against what isn’t. This is a good exercise as we embark into Scorpio season, which is all about death, rebirth and transformation. This balancing of the scales allows us to discern between the “Yes’s” in our life and the “No’s”. So as we ride the Venus Retrograde wave, you better believe that Venus, the planet of the Goddess -the Goddess Inanna in Sumeria, Hathor in Egypt, or Aphrodite in Greece - will be having us feeling it all. Venus being a planet that rules feminine energy, will be having us connect to our feminine gifts, like our ability to deeply feel and use our sensuality and intuition to make choices based on what 'feels' good and what doesn’t. She will having us connect to our inner magic and ability to create and manifest. She will be guiding us on how to show more unconditional love, compassion, forgiveness, and acceptance for our self and all other circumstances and challenges that may be showing up in our lives. Working with this yin energy will also have us working with our shadow, the repressed aspects within our self. She will be having us look at everything from our relationship to sexuality and spirituality... to money and time. Making us very aware of how we use our personal energy, whether it is to nourish, heal and strengthen our bodies, or fuel our passions, dreams, and creative endeavors, or perhaps showing us where we fall into the trap of giving too much to others, or allowing others’ needs, or even society standards take priority to our own. Indeed, this is a potent time for embodying deeper levels of transformation. The time is now is to rewrite our stories if we so do wish; with all of the universe, archetypes, Celestial Gods and Goddesses supporting us in the cosmos. For this reason, this season it’s especially important to keep up with your self-care , practicing yoga, meditation, contemplation, journaling, going out into nature, and taking time to take inventory of your life. The Full Moon being the half way point in the Lunar Cycle, also makes it a good time to check up on your New Moon intentions from earlier this month, cleanse your crystals, and gather with your soul tribe to connect with your Inner Moon, your inner Creatix / Goddess, to illuminate and express your deepest dreams and desires.

Announcements: *If you or anyone you know is in or near Santa Cruz, California, I am holding a special Full Moon Cacao Ceremony and Shamanic Shakti Flow Workshop tonight at 6pm PST, at Pleasure Point Yoga. For more info, follow the link. www.facebook.com/events/1951419508484106/ **Also, I am always available for online Private Coaching and Reiki Energy healing. For all my services, visit: www. heartcosm.net/services ***I will be back in San Diego for all of November, so please email me for any in-person energy healing sessions, Cacao and Kambo Medicine Ceremonies for yourself and any other soul tribe that may be interested. You can always purchase a service or healing session as a special gift for a loved one too. ****Our Monthly New Moon Cacao Ceremony is at Trilogy on November 4that 7:00pm, and I will also be hosting a special All-Women’s Goddess Temple Circle and - Shamanic Shakti Flow Cacao Ceremony and Kundalini Dance Practice, on the 11th at 7:00pm. http://bit.ly/TrilogyCacaoKundalini

Lastly: As we become more attuned to the energies that are shifting within us and all around us, now more than ever, it is time, that we Women and Wisdom Carriers, hear the call to join, support and empower one another so we can heal our collective old wounds. May we remind one another of our divine perfection and powers at all times, and help one another release limiting beliefs and unhealthy patterns. May we rise and proclaim our dreams and visions for our future and the future of this planet.
The time is now to step out of the spiritual closet, and show up as the Priestesses and Goddesses of Earth that we are. More and more, women are gathering to give voice to the unheard. Speaking up against the cruelty and unfairness there is in the world. It is up to us women to share our truth and connect with one another, so we can grow our network and create global change. If you are one of the many women that feel the call to lead Women’s circles, Full/ New Moon Ceremonies, Yoga retreats, and or Cacao Ceremonies, then consider joining me this upcoming February 3rd to the 13th, for a ten day transformational retreat and training. You have until November 9th to lock in the Early Bird Price. ($1,111 for 10 days including food and accommodation) Follow your heart and inner guidance on this one, if you want it, you better believe you can manifest it! For more info visit:
www.heartcosm.net/embodiment-goddess-temple or
www.facebook.com/events/314803759055646 . In love, strength, and so much grace,
Carla Jannette Gonzalez-Guerra
www.instagram.com/carla_jannette Carla ***