What is Kambo?
Kambo is a Spiritual Earth remedy that comes from the gland excretions of the Amazonian frog, Phyllomedusa bicolor (Giant Leaf Frog). It is used in Shamanic Ritual to bring about purification, clarity, strength, and vitality. It is a natural and holistic earth medicine used by indigenous tribes and modern practitioners alike as a preventive and curative remedy for many diseases. Kambo helps you relieve your physical and energetic body of dense energy, disease, addiction, pain, trauma, and even Cancer. It cleanses and polishes your body, mind and soul allowing you to reclaim your life force energy. Kambo increases your awareness and connection to your true self and intuition; it also gives you more energy, confidence, clarity, and vision so that you may see and express your divinity, creativity, and purpose.
Kambo has long been used by indigenous Pano-speaking tribes of the Amazon, including the Katukina, Asháninka, Yaminawá, and Matsés (or Mayoruna). It may also have been used by the classical Maya, whose art depicts tree frogs next to mushrooms.
Taken by the warriors of the Amazonian tribes, it is known for sharpening eyesight, increasing endurance, increasing sensitivity to smell, relieving chronic fatigue, and for increasing the strength of the body and immune system.
Used by the tribe’s shamans, it helps clear their people of Malaria, infection, "Panema," or bad luck, dark energy, dark spirits, and any dense energy that dulls a person's experience of joy, peace, and prosperity in their life.
The effects last anywhere from 6 months to the year. Once your spirit merges with the Frog though, it is with you for life to support you as your Spirit Animal and Allie.
It's like taking the annual flu shot, but much better, as it works on healing the root cause of disease, working on all levels of the physical, mental, emotional, energetic, and spiritual body.
Everything is energy and even dis-ease, illness, and physical symptoms can be traced back to their energetic root causes.
The word "disease" itself breaks down to the root words, dis and ease; and based on the holistic medicine model this can illuminate the fact that most prescribed diseases and symptoms can be traced to the person’s experience of un-ease and or disharmony in their life.
This is great news!
This means we have the capability to HEAL ourselves!
Part of Dr. Kambocito's medicine and magic is that he is able illuminate and help you diagnose what in your system and lifestyle is out of alignment, as in, what is causing symptoms of dis-comfort, dis-ease, or dis-harmony in your physical/ mental/ emotional/ energetic/ spiritual body.
Kambo's therapeutic effects are caused by a chemical cocktail of bio-active peptides that induce your body into having an immune system response that makes you purge and detox from all of your cells; helping you release toxins, inflammation, infection, parasites, and fungus like candida from your blood, body, and intestines.
During ceremony, a safe and sacred therapeutic container, Kambo and myself, your practitioner, will help you move and release emotions by guiding you and supporting you to let go, express, and purge emotionally through tears, mucus, bowel release and vomit.
Kambo's spiritual power is that he can remove dark/ dense energies, entities, or as the shaman's called it Panema. Another way to describe the removal of "Panema," is “clearing the pain body,” “realigning the chakras,” or reorganizing personal psychology so you may reach your full potential and expression.
Dark energy can be found in any person if they are depressed, angry, or experiencing trauma or pain, this is a lower vibrational energy. Polishing your spirit and helping remove this energy, Kambo medicine leaves you feeling clear, euphoric, calm, and at ease, also known as the post "Kambo Glow."
This holistic medicine and energy clearing process allows you to have more clarity, focus and energy. By clearing all of your energy channels and cells of toxins and density, Kambo connects you to your higher self and intuition, while also energizing and empowering to make the changes necessary for transformation in your life.
By combining my passion and expertise in Chakra Psychology, Sacred Ceremony, and Shamanic Alchemical Transformation, I can help guide you in your healing journey by illuminating and sharing with you what stories, patterns and limiting beliefs are showing up in your life to be transmuted.
Kambo gives you the clarity and vision, and can help you wipe the slate clean, but ultimately it's up to you to follow the wisdom of your heart, and make the changes and take the steps necessary for healing and transformation in your life. Proper discernment and active participation in your healing process is what allows you to keep that slate the clean.
And it's okay to ask for help while on the path, that's why I am here, to be your spiritual coach and cheerleader so you can stay inspired and motivated to be the HERO of your own epic life!
Receiving three Kambo medicine ceremonies
within one Lunar Cycle is considered the complete Jungle Innoculation / Vaccine.
Fusing Shamanism, Energy Healing and Chakra psychology, I can help facilitate the miraculous healing and integration of the Sacred Kambo Medicine
and this psychosomatic healing experience.
Please email @HeartChocolateyoga@gmail.com to inquire about private and group ceremonies, and to schedule a 15 min. phone consultation to see if Kambo medicine is a good fit.
* This natural earth medicine is not approved by the FDA
* It is Legal in the USA and most countries, excluding Brazil
( As a testament its medicinal properties, there are over over 70 Kambo related patents lodged. Currently, there are more studies being undergone to learn more about the beneficial effects of the molecules and bio-active peptides found in the Phyllomedusa bi-colo's secretion in healing a wide range of diseases, ranging from depression, addiction, and infection to even cancer.)
van Zoggel, H., Carpentier, G., Dos Santos, C., Hamma-Kourbali, Y., Courty, J., Amiche, M., & Delbé, J. (2012). Antitumor and angiostatic activities of the antimicrobial peptide dermaseptin B2. PloS one, 7(9), e44351. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3447859/
Other practitioners, resources and researchers of Kambo can be found here:
Some things to consider:
Any person,
* on medication for Low Blood Pressure,
* with Heart Disease, including but not limited to, Heart bypass surgery, enlarged heart, Implanted cardioverter defibrillators, Pericardial effusion, Congestive heart disease, Excess fluid in the heart sack, or Heart valve replacement surgery
* with a blood clot or taking medication for one
* that has experienced stroke, and or brain aneurism.
* with an organ transplant, or taking immunosuppressants or diuretics
* recovering from a major surgical procedure
* has received any chemotherapy or radiotherapy within the past
* with a severe Mental Disorder, excluding Depression, Anxiety, or Addiction (it is great for these) / (case by case, please consult)
* Taking ANY prescriptions medications (case by case, please consult)
* unable to stop taking any life supporting medications, or that is consuming drugs and or alcohol and unable to detox for more than 48 – 72 hours.
* with current or severe epilepsy
* Pregnant or nursing
* with Addison’s disease
* that has taken 5 MEO DMT (Bufo) in the past month
* that received an enema within 3 days prior
* that has consumed other strong medicines (eg. San Pedro, Ayahauaca, Mushrooms) within 24 hours of wanting to receive Kambo
* Under the age of 18, over the age of 70
* Being cajoled into doing Kambo by another person (including a family member)
* That lacks the mental capacity to make the decision to take Kambo
* desperate for a solution to a life-threatening problem
* Showing no respect for the medicine, ie. Bucket list
* has consumed large amounts of water prior to arriving for Kambo
* has eaten within 8 hours of receiving Kambo
* has not consumed 1-1.5L of water immediately prior to receiving Kambo.
*Fast of 10 to 12 hours before ceremony, only water allowed.
*Detox from all alcohol, caffeine, drugs, tobacco, cannabis, pharmaceuticals, medications, and alternative medicines for at least 24 hours, 3 full days before and after are encouraged
*Detox from any animal products, including meat, dairy, animal bi-products such as eggs, for at least 24 hours, 3 full days before and after encouraged!
*Opening the space with Sacred Ceremony. Prayer and Invocation for healing
*Energy Cleansing Meditation
*Writing out intentions and prayers for the Kambo Spirit. ( One day prior at least to ceremony is also encouraged)
*Burning of the dots on skin using Tamishi Vine, producing gates or portals.
*Application of Kambo Secretion Medicine onto dots
*First 2-3 min you may experience a rush of heat, an increase of heart rate, discomfort and nausea
*Then for about 30 minutes, inward journey with Frog Spirit accompanied with physical, emotional, energetic and spiritual purge. Guided assistance by facilitator, myself and Sprite, that includes energy and sound healing
*After 45 min / 1 hr, experience relaxation, calmness, clarity, increased sensitivity, inner peace, change in perception, optimism, pain relief.
*After the ceremony and for the following 1 to 2 weeks you can expect to feel lighter and brighter, experiencing more ease, flow, greater awareness, spiritual connection, confidence, higher levels of discernment, and vitality – aka KAMBO GLOW
If you are interested in receiving Kambo, please email me at Heartchocolateyoga@gmail.com with the following information:
*What is your intention for using the medicine?
*Why are you called to the medicine?
*What is your experience with earth and plant medicine?
*Do you have any medical or psychological conditions?
*Are you on any medication?
*Do you possess any addictions?
*What are you looking to relieve and heal with this medicine?
*Do you have any heart conditions?
Copyright © 2018 Carla Gonzalez-Guerra - Heart Yoga & Reiki, All rights reserved.
#Chakra #Chakras #ChakraPsychology #SacredCeremony #PlantMedicine #EarthMedicine #Kambo #Ayuahasca #Addiction #Healing #EnergyHealing #Amazon #Shamanism #Transformation #holisticmedicine #SanDiego #TransformationalRetreat #art #ShamanicExpressiveArtTherapu #tribe #tribalmedicine #Matses #Katukina #Ashaninka #Yaminawa #chronicfatigue #shaman #Panema #psychadelics