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Christmas, a time of re-birthing our own inner light.

Christmas is known for being the Holiday -> Holy-day

that we celebrate the birth of Christ. But the fact is, that no one truly knows what day Christ was born. And it was actually the “undercover pagan” Roman Empire that established the 25th of December as Christ’s birthday, which is actually the date of their Winter Solstice; 9 months after their Spring Equinox.

Needless to say, I’m not here to debate or discuss what day in fact Christ was born, but rather the significance of this Winter Solstice Portal (for those of us in the Northern Hemisphere).

So the reason why this portal is so important is that, after the winter solstice, which was on the night of the 20th/21st this year, for the following 3 days, we experience the longest 3 nights of the year. Then what happens on Christmas, the 25th, is that starting that Holy Day, our days begin to grow longer as we move along the solar calendar toward summer solstice - the longest day of the year.

So metaphorically, around this time we are celebrating the (re)birth of the Sun - of Christ. The word Christ is from the similar-sounding Greek word “Christos,” which describes the divine Son of God, the Anointed King, and is the equivalent of the Hebrew word for “Messiah,” who is positioned and purposed by God to be the Deliverer  and Savior of all people (2 Samuel 7:14Psalm 2:7) - according to Christianity. com

So in essence we are celebrating the birth of our “Lord and Saviour,” but why am I here talking about this now. As much as I love Jesus Christ, the point I want to make is that, is that if we zoom out a little bit, or a lot, we can actually work with this portal, to rebirth our own INNER SUN, our own light. And beyond just our light, we can also use this portal to connect to our own inner SAVIOR.

Because guess what, no one is going to come SAVE YOU.

I’m sorry to break it to you, it’s up to each one of us individually to save our SELF!

Trust me, I’ve prayed to the moon and back, I’ve done all the sex magick and manifestation rituals out there, and drank all the ayahuasca and cacao you could ever dream of, and guess what all of these mirrors and teachers pointed me back to the same truth.



SO, I am here to remind you of the same. Read this, and let these words soothe your longing to be healed, to experience union, and wealth.



All the praying in the world, is not going to work unless you

1) learn to love your self

2) learn to take accountability and become disciplined

3) Create or find a strategy or roadmap to where you want to go aka take consistent and effective ACTION

4)have faith and believe in yourself.

And that’s where a good leader or mentor comes in. A leader is someone that has led themselves out of their own darkness, their own dark night of the soul (winter), into their version of the light. It is someone that has created change in their own lives and that of others. A leader is someone who understands how to create inner and outer transformation, who has healed and SAVED themselves, and cares about helping and guiding others to do the same.


Welcome to the Era of Ascension Leadership*

Currently, I am developing a new Mystery School and Spiritual Business 1:1 Mentorship Container where we dive into what it takes to be a masterful leader and spiritual guide. Where we address energy mastery in all areas of life, personal, relational, erotic, spiritual, and financial.

I am still in the building phase of the curriculum, but I am so excited about this new journey I am embarking on, that I can’t help but share the news.

Expanding any into any new area of mastery requires radical authenticity and transparency with our self and our audience. So I am here to share with you my personal journey.

Like I said earlier, I’ve gotten to the place where all the spiritual tools or medicines that I’ve acquired are not going to help me get to the next octave of my expansion, unless I focus on acquiring more resources, aka wealth.

And while I love being a bridge for the medicine path, I don’t want to depend on gaining all the wealth that I desire from that work.

The medicine path is sacred work that I want to protect and honor as sacred. I do it because it’s provided me deep healing and helped remove blockages, pain, and trauma from my pain body, my path and life.

I do this work because deep down I wish to help people access and receive the medicine that they need. And sometimes it does take a masterful shaman and powerful cup of GOD juice or frog poison, aka ayahuasca or kambo, to receive insight, clarity and healing.

But of course, it’s not that the shaman has healed you, or the medicine, but your earnest desire and willingness to go after what you need. It’s you, your ability to create the conditions, aka the RITUAL INITIATION, to move through and experience the physical, emotion and pyscho- spiritual transformation cleansing, healing and connection you desire. SO you can then go apply and create the desired change in the physical material realm - your life.

So medicine work without integration work will always be incomplete. That’s why I incorporate and exalt both in my offerings.

And because you, my audience and community of students, healers and peers are heart-centered leaders like me, I want to help you ascend in all areas of your lives and leadership.

Welcome to the new era of Leadership, where we share resources. Where your success is my success and vice versa. Where leaders share the tools and strategies that got them the results and success that they desired.

2025 is going to be a powerful year for shedding outdated beliefs and programs that no longer serve us. As a dear friend of mine shared with me yesterday, 2024 was the year of the DRAGON showing us our highest potential, 2025 is will be the year of the SERPENT. And if you’ve been following me long enough, then you know how closely I work with the energies of the serpent.

Helping people shed, release, let go of what no longer serves is what I’ve been doing and mastering for the past ten years. The ceremonies, retreats and trainings I offer are all geared toward helping people transform their life. One of the main ingredients that is necessary for creating change is spaciousness, and that spaciousness comes from letting go of what doesn’t serve. So the first step to step to evolution and expansion is healing and releasing what’s no longer in alignment with where you want to go.

The next, is greater self-love and faith in your self, otherwise you are not going to either, deem yourself worthy, or have the vision, to actually change your reality.

And if there’s one thing that working with medicines have taught me, is how to see my self through the eyes of the DIVINE. Plant and earth medicines have taught me what is possible in the realm of self-love, acceptance and forgiveness, aka healing. They are also a great space to dream, and receive visions for what is possible beyond our current reality or conditions.

Plant mecidines act as a mirror for showing us who we truly are. And if you’ve ever experienced an intense medicine journey, then you know it’s definitely also a training ground for developing faith and surrender in a higher power, and ultimately greater trust in yourself and a higher power.


So these are the ways you can work with me in 2025:

1) All year, I offer 1:1 Spiritual Business Coaching and Consulting & Spiritual Guidance and Mentorship

This is 1:1 Mentorship Container, where I show up for you as TEACHER HEALER GUIDE

This is also great place to begin your medicine journey because here is where I help you understand how specific master plants or earth medicines can help you heal, expand and gain more insight, clarity and healing.

For more details, respond to this email “ASCEND,” and short statement about your intention and we can go from there.

2) If you are on the medicine path, and are READY to get initiated into next level space holding and transformational facilitation, my partner in ceremony and I, are offering an amazing Shamanic Facilitation Training & Initiation Retreat the first week of July 2025.

For more info, visit:

Stay tuned for our official invite coming out very soon!

Respond to this email “AMARU” to learn more and set up a connection call with myself and Willow.

3) If you are on a healing journey, and or the Ayahuasca medicine path, AND want to dive deeper into the study of master plants through a Master Plant Dieta, with real deal original indigenous Healers and Shipibo Maestros, I will be co-facilitating 3 Ayahuasca Shamanic Initiation DIETA Containers in 2025, for the dates and info, visit:

Whether you do or don’t know what a Dieta is, and or are curious and want to learn more; Or if you're just getting started on this path and want to learn how to connect to the Sacred Plant Medicines of Ayahuasca, Kambo, Cacao or any others in a good way,

you are welcome to set up a discovery call with me to chat about your personal medicine journey.

Respond “MEDICINE JOURNEY” to this email to set up

your discovery call.

* Regardless of where you are on your journey, I am confident I can help you find the right fit.

Most people should start with my 1:1 Mentorship because this is where we address most of the shadow work, inner child healing, self-worth, sexual, and somatic healing that needs to be illuminated before even stepping into any ceremony or medicine container.

Once you’ve become aware of what needs to be healed, then you can go into the medicine space with the correct intention.

You can do it the other way around, but that’s when the medicine work can become a bit more “rocky”, disorienting or downright ineffective - at least that’s professional advice.

Integration work starts before the ceremony even begins.

So if you’ve made it to the end of this message, thank you for listening. Thank you for feeling. This means that you can feel the energy, the electricity of what is to come in 2025.

Next year is going to be a big year, and FYI, things are not going to get easier, we are just going to have to get better.

The time is now to prepare for what is to come.

We are going to need as many healers, leaders, and activist in the field if we are going to birth the ancient future golden age of humanity.


Whether it’s a trip, a partner, a new career, more money, a new wellness routine, or spiritual path; I am here to help people like you clear your path so you can align and attain what you desire. I am here to help you step into greater joy and self-fulfillment. I am here to remind you that you are worth it.

I’m not saying it’s going to be easy, but I am here to tell you it’s not impossible.

My books are now open for 1:1 coaching and mentorship. This is for anyone that wants to get out of their own way and start aligning to their truth.

This is for beginners, intermediate or advanced practitioners of the spiritual path or plant medicine path that are curious about how to integrate and direct their deepest desires, and true intentions with greater support, clarity and ease.



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